Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Tuyet and Tomi - Hyatt Regency Huntington Beach

I love these guys! Their wedding day was just filled with special touches. From the amazing flowers, decor and lighting to butterflies, trumpeters, a grand entrance on a Vietnamese Cyclo, special dance and music performances that were projected live by us, an amazing first dance with choreography you would see on "Dancing With The Stars" and a screening of their concept video we produced which included Austin Powers! I'll have to put a clip of that up soon!!

What really touched me was how in love these two are, and how much their families and friends mean to them. Both Tuyet and Tomi spoke about their parents during the ceremony...and there was not a dry eye anywhere during the toasts from their family and friends.

This clip is from the beginning of their production which included our "Contemporary Edit".

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