Thursday, December 10, 2009

Diane and Ben - The Beverly Hills Hotel

As Diane and Ben said..."It was the wedding of our dreams"!

We had filmed the incredibly beautiful wedding of Diane's sister Dana a few years ago (her highlight clip can be found under the listings for "Montage Resort"), and I remember thinking how in the world could Diane's wedding be as beautiful as her sister's. WAS just as beautiful, and in a totally unique way!

Some of my favorite moments of the day:
When they both saw each other for the first time...tears all around. The reaction of the guests when Diane and her father walked down the aisle...she looked so beautiful. The wonderful toasts by Dana and their father Ken...more tears all around! And the awesome performance by the USC band.

The details of the ballroom were stunning. The room was draped and included gorgeous florals, lighting, table settings, a sweets table...and check out the shots of their cake! The wedding cake was designed to look like Diane's dress, and the groom's cake looked like a Laker's basketball!

Here is a short highlight montage of their day.

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